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Stress Management: 7 Quick Tips to Reboot, Renew, and Recharge

Today, we can respond to our boss’s email, text our partners about the kids, google a recipe for tonight’s dinner, shop for an office party, and get the kids to soccer practice. All in a day… Are you thinking super human?

Nope, the growing busyness of our day makes us super stress and anxious human beings doing life in a pressure cooker!

When we are stressed, hormones like cortisol flood our systems, producing the fight or flight response. We experience symptoms like heart racing, heavy breathing, weird physical sensations, flooding thoughts of insurmountable worries and fears about deadlines, relationships, your future, and a growing to do list. Anxiety starts to build, and you become edgy and short with your loved ones.

Next thing you know, you are blurting out sharp and mean words that damage your relationships with the ones closest to you. Afterwards, you feel awful and wonder why do you react this way?

Tuning into your body signs of stress and anxiety are helpful in learning how to calm down when you are under pressure. Our bodies, when we are tuned in will let you know when you have reached your tolerance level.

So, what do you do when you hit the brick wall of stress and start losing it? Here are six tips to help you relax, reboot, and recharge.

Feel your feet: This is a grounding technique that I often use with my clients to decrease their anxiety. It can be done either sitting or standing. Close your eyes and put all of your awareness onto the bottom of your feet. Be mindful (focus) on the sensations you feel (Do not let flooding thoughts intrude during this time, just pretend that every worry, fear, and problem is moving through your mind like a cloud in the sky).

Physical Exercise: There is scientific evidence that physical exercise releases endorphins (feel good hormones) that improves mood and helps reduce stress. Activities like walking, hiking, jogging, dancing, yoga, and pilates are great ways to move the stress energy out of your body and re-center yourself.

Meditation: This mental exercise takes practice, but done daily for even 10 minutes, will give you clarity and leave you feeling renewed.

Breathing Exercises: Deep breaths can reduce tension and relieve stress. The extra oxygen boost will aid you in calming down. Imagine that you’re smelling your favorite flowers (that’s right a nice deep breath through your nose to get a great whiff of the scent, and then out through your mouth like you are blowing out the biggest bubble.)

Laugh: Watch a funny movie that will have you crying of laughter. This is a great way to release stress and put a smile back on your face.
Enjoy Life: Make some time for friends! Spending time with close friends is a great way to pull the plug on stress and tap into your support system.

Hobbies: If you do not have a hobby then I challenge you to find one! Hobbies are an awesome way to unwind, allowing you to be responsibility and work free while re-charging your batteries by doing something you enjoy.

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Springfield , VA 22151
(703) 267-5703

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